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Terms & Conditions



**GOTHADAWAY LLC - Photography Terms and Conditions**

**1. Agreement**

By engaging GOTHADAWAY LLC for photography services, the client agrees to the following terms and conditions.

**2. Copyright and Usage**

a. GOTHADAWAY LLC retains all copyright and intellectual property rights to all photographs taken during the photography session or event. The client is granted personal, non-commercial usage rights only.

b. The client may not edit, modify, or alter the photographs in any way without prior written consent from GOTHADAWAY LLC.

c. GOTHADAWAY LLC reserves the right to use any photographs taken during the session for promotional purposes, including but not limited to the website, social media, marketing materials, and competitions. If the client prefers not to have their photographs used for promotional purposes, they must inform GOTHADAWAY LLC in writing before the photography session or event.

**3. Payment**

a. The client agrees to pay the agreed-upon photography fee as outlined in the contract. A non-refundable deposit may be required to secure the date and time of the session or event.

b. Full payment is due on or before the day of the photography session or event.

**4. Cancellation and Rescheduling**

a. In the event of cancellation by the client, the non-refundable deposit will not be returned.

b. If the client wishes to reschedule the photography session or event, they must provide at least 8 days' notice. GOTHADAWAY LLC will make reasonable efforts to accommodate the new date and time.

c. GOTHADAWAY LLC reserves the right to cancel or reschedule the photography session or event due to unforeseen circumstances. In such cases, the client will be offered a rescheduled date or a full refund of any paid fees.

**5. Cooperation**

a. The client agrees to provide full cooperation during the photography session or event to ensure the best possible results.

b. GOTHADAWAY LLC will not be held responsible for compromised photographs due to the client's failure to cooperate or any other circumstances beyond the photographer's control.

**6. Liability**

a. GOTHADAWAY LLC will take reasonable care during the photography session or event but will not be held liable for any loss, damage, or injury resulting from accidents or unforeseen events.

b. The client is responsible for the safety and well-being of all individuals participating in the photography session or event and will not hold GOTHADAWAY LLC liable for any accidents or injuries that may occur.

**7. Image Delivery**

a. The final edited images will be delivered to the client in the format and method agreed upon in the contract.

b. GOTHADAWAY LLC will make reasonable efforts to deliver the images within the agreed-upon timeframe, but delays may occur due to unforeseen ci









**GOTHADAWAY LLC - Photography Business Cancellation Policy**

At GOTHADAWAY LLC, we understand that circumstances may arise that require the cancellation or rescheduling of photography sessions. We strive to provide the best service to our clients and aim to be fair and transparent in our cancellation policy. Please read the following cancellation policy carefully:

**1. Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy:**

1.1. **Client-Requested Cancellations:** If the client wishes to cancel the photography session, they must provide written notice to GOTHADAWAY LLC via email or a written letter. The cancellation will be effective from the date the written notice is received. GOTHADAWAY LLC has the rights to accept or deny requests made. There are NO REFUNDS.

1.2. **Cancellation Fees:** The client acknowledges that GOTHADAWAY LLC has made preparations and allocated resources for the scheduled photography session. Therefore, a cancellation fee will be charged based on the following schedule:

- Cancellation made 8 days or more before the scheduled session: No cancellation fee. Any paid deposit will be fully refunded.
- Cancellation made between 3 and 7 days before the scheduled session: 50% of the total session fee will be charged.
- Cancellation made 3 days or less before the scheduled session: 100% of the total session fee will be charged.

1.3. **Rescheduling:** If the client needs to reschedule the photography session and provides written notice 8 days or more before the scheduled session, GOTHADAWAY LLC will make every effort to accommodate the new date without any rescheduling fees. RESCHEDULING FEE is $75.

1.4. **Photographer-Initiated Cancellations:** In the unlikely event that GOTHADAWAY LLC needs to cancel a photography session due to unforeseen circumstances such as illness, equipment failure, or other emergencies, we will promptly notify the client and make every effort to reschedule the session at a mutually convenient time. If rescheduling is not possible, the client will receive a full refund of any deposit or fees already paid.

**2. Refunds:**

2.1. **Refund Eligibility:** Refunds will be processed based on the cancellation policy outlined above.

2.2. **Refund Timeframe:** If eligible for a refund, GOTHADAWAY LLC will process the refund within 24hrs from the date of the cancellation notice.

**3. Client Responsibilities:**

3.1. **Timeliness:** The client agrees to be punctual and arrive on time for the scheduled photography session.

3.2. **Cooperation:** The client agrees to cooperate with the photographer and follow any instructions provided to ensure a successful photography session.

3.3. **Rescheduling Requests:** The client must make any rescheduling requests in writing and adhere to the rescheduling policy outlined in this document.

**4. Force Majeure:**

GOTHADAWAY LLC shall not be liable for any failure or delay in performing its obligations under this cancellation policy if such failure or delay is due to circumstances beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God, natural disasters, war, government actions, or any other force majeure event.

By scheduling a photography session with GOTHADAWAY LLC, the client acknowledges that they have read, understood, and agree to abide by this cancellation policy.

Please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or require further clarification regarding our cancellation policy.

(702) 830-4909

**Effective Date: [Enter effective date]** (This is the date when the policy becomes applicable; it can be the current date or any future date when you implement the policy.)






Cancellation Policy

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